Pipeline Transport

Pipeline Transport

LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" provide Oil transportation through the systems of trunk oil pipelines in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, dispatching control over the oil delivery. In addition, the company provides services of the storage of oil in the systems of trunk oil pipelines and oil compounding. LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" pipelines transport gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel fuel from the refinery to local distribution facilities. Crude oil is collected from field gathering systems consisting of pipelines that move oil from the wellhead to storage tanks and treatment facilities where the oil is measured and tested.

The basis for the development of anti-corrosion measures included in the overall strategy is monitoring (corrosion activity of pumped media, corrosion rates) and the results of industrial safety expertise of the studied pipeline fleet. Based on these data, an assessment of options for the further operation of pipeline systems is made. Specialists of the company will continue to work in the future aimed at improving the reliability of the fleet of pipelines of LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" and reducing operating costs.