Environmental safety activities are controlled using the environmental safety management system that complies with the requirements of international standard ISO 14001. In 2016, LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" successfully passed an independent audit that demonstrated compliance of the Company’s environmental management system with ISO 14001:2015. With a view to enhance environmental safety performance, the Company continuously improves its business processes within the management systems and coordinates with different stakeholders.
This allows LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" to consistently move on from damage relief efforts to the assessment of potential environmental risks and introduction of efforts intended to prevent the environmental impact of business operations.
A systemic approach to control over compliance with the orders of the State Fire Control authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation was organized, as a result whereof 99% of violations of fire safety requirements were remedied without any capex outlays for such remediation.
LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" developed the project “Environmental Safety Strategies until 2021”, with a view to identifying priorities, activities and vehicles that would help step up the Company’s environmental activities in line with international industry standards. In order to prepare this document, the Company analyzed its current operations, best international practices, including experience of partner companies, and objectives related to implementation of new projects.