Corporate Governance

Performance Management and Accountability

LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" applies a rigorous performance management system and ensures that all departments comply with timely reporting. This has been recognised by LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" being awarded an international organisation for standardisation accreditation (ISO 9001). This accreditation is an acknowledgement that LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" meets the needs of its customers and other stakeholder whilst meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to its products and services.

Ethics and Transparency

LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" recognizes that it operates in a sector where small modifications to operating procedure can have enormous impacts on the environment, communities and individuals. It also recognizes that, because of its tremendous growth ambitions, its policies will have a global impact. As such, LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" is therefore always mindful of its responsibilities to the planet and to people. It strives to be admired for its integrity, its ingenuity and its diversity.

LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" to be open and transparent about how it operates to earn and retain the trust and confidence of customers, employees, and other important stakeholders. It does this by proactively providing non-proprietary information about its business and how it operates, helping stakeholders to make informed decisions about the company and products. LLC "TRANSBUNKER-KHOLMSK" encourages its employees to bring to the management’s notice, any occasion where it deviates from these principles.